Network equipment and configuration in Arda Technology
Integrate your business with us!
Installing and setting up the router, switch and firewall
Server design and implementation
Maintenance and support by an expert team

Providing, setting up and configuring network in Arda Technology
Your computer network infrastructure will surely face a view of unpredictable changes in the future, like most organizations. Recognizing these changes requires sufficient experience and a comprehensive view of the real situation of your organization’s IT. At Arda Technology, we support network design projects and implementation of your business computer networks.
Methodology of network design and computer networks implementation begins with the recognition phase in Arda Technology. Then, the initial needs assessments of the organization are measured and at the end, the route standardization is done. Eventually, based on the obtained outputs, the required network plan is presented to you along with costs related to its implementation.
Network Services in Arda Technology
Computer network services in Arda Technology
Each computer network should be designed and implemented according to the conditions and policies of each organization, because these computer networks provide the necessary infrastructure for the use of physical and logical resources in an organization. Obviously, if the above infrastructure is not designed properly, it will face different problems when using the network and should be spent much in order to maintain the network and adapt it to the desired requirements. It’s only if we don’t have to start all over.
One of the main causes of such problems is the designing the network after its implementation! First, the network is implemented, before proper design is done. So, having an experienced consultant and attendant is very important along this path. Arda Technology expert and experienced team is with you in all stages of consulting, design, equipment supply, and so that you can integrate your organization without any worries.